U.S. Unemployment Rate Viz
I decided to try entering the Tableau Viz contest and since we needed to use a public data set, I was curious about looking at unemployment rates in the United States. I know the economy has been tough for everyone lately and I wanted to see how unemployment rates stack up by state and for the U.S. as a whole. I pulled data for the last ten years from the U.S. Department of Labor . They have lots of fascinating data to analyze. It was hard to pick which data set to use! I compared the annual average unemployment rate for the entire United States against state unemployment rates. I included the historical high and historical low unemployment rates to compare against July 2011 unemployment rates by state. Some highlights: Nevada had the highest unemployment rate (as of July 2011) at 12.9%. California had the second highest unemployment rate at 12%. Not promising for my state! North Dakota had the lowest unemployment rate at 3.3%. Looks like it's time to move to North...