It’s time to revive this blog!

It has been awhile since I last posted on here, but it seems it might be a good time to dust this thing off and write again. I think 2020 has definitely been different than what anyone expected. Personally, it has been a time for more self-reflection and it has caused me to really appreciate the things that I’ve taken for granted. Things as simple as having a meal with a friend or family member. Hopefully once we get out of this, we’ll be people who are more grateful and more kind . That’s something the world needs more of, especially, now. As for the blog ... what topics are you interested in? What data or non-data things would you like to see? I find a lot of the data stuff I’m doing nowadays is all related to work, but I’ll try to share more of that here. So many exciting things happening in the world of data ... new tools, really creative ways of sharing data stories, more blending of dashboards and apps, and so much more. And, it’s going to be very interesting to...